Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Self-catering, Bed and Breakfast from R 1,100
R 1,100
Addo Afrique features two lodges; one three bedroom and one four bedroom, with views over the valley of the bordering Addo Elephant Park where the elephant and buffalo roaming free, while the giraffe, eland and bush buck wonder between the lodges on the Addo Afrique Estate.
At Addo Afrique, guests can book a room on a bed and breakfast basis in the Giraffe Lodge, or book the entire Elephant Lodge with four en-suite bedrooms on a self-catering and exclusive basis. Breakfast, lunch or dinner can be provided on request.
A self-driven safari can be taken in the bordering Addo Elephant Park is just a ten minute drive to the main entrance gate of the park.