Bundhu-Rus Guest Farm is situated 45 km from Pretoria and is the perfect place to experience the African Bushveld ambiance in a private game reserve environment.
We only accommodate groups of ten or more people. Bundhu-Rus offers guests the unique experience of viewing game on foot or by 4x4. Our walking safaris guarantee that you'll see game from close-by, which makes for the most amazing photos.
Game includes giraffes, zebras, blue wildebeest, impalas, kudus and blesbuck.Bundhu-Rus offers a great venue for conferences, bosberaads, team building, small functions or just a place to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature.
The venue ideally focuses on family and friend gatherings and weekends. The guest farm has ten neat en-suite rooms, each sleeping two, which surrounds a charming courtyard fill with indigenous trees and plants. A sparkling blue swimming pool is also close-by.
We also cater for the outdoor types, a caravan park with ten stands and neat ablution facility accommodates the camp and great outdoor-loving community. Our kitchen caters for brunches, three to five-course meals and of course the typical South African braai.
Our bosbraai is a favourite Saturday-night event in the bush where you can experience Africa around the campfire.