Self-catering from R 250 (family units from R 600)
R 250
Tony Dovey and Konstant van der Walt welcome you to Dream Beach Self-Catering Lodge, located in a three hectare wooded estate almost halfway between Ponta do Ouro and Ponta Malongane.
We recommend only 4x4 vehicles to negotiate the sand tracks. There is a manager on site daily as well as 24-hour professional security. A wooden stairway to the secluded beach runs between the houses for easy beach access from the houses.
Guests in the chalets will have to walk over or around the sand dune to get to the beach; we do also have a swimming pool. Please respect other guest's privacy by refraining from walking onto house decks uninvited and helping to maintain the tranquil atmosphere.
The lodge is just 10 kilometers from the Kosi bay border post and 25 kilometers from Kwangwanase (Manguzi to the locals) on the South African side of the border where there is a Boxer wholesaler, hardware shops, Spar, chemist, KFC, FNB and ABSA ATMs, Post office, spares shops and dozens of small town local traders.
There are many restaurants to try in Ponta do Ouro and increasingly so in Ponta Malaogane. There is also a colourful local market in Ponta which normally sells potatoes, onions, tomatoes, local bread called pau, hot chilli spice, rama, local airtime, and a local rum called Tipo Tinto (which tastes like cool drink but kicks like a mule). Fernandos is the most popular spot for visitors to imbibe.
Ponta Do Oura is well known among the surfing community as well as the kite surfers. For the scuba divers there are several dive operators and dive schools. We dive exclusively with Petro Madsen who operates from Gozo Azul in the centre of town. There are also several ?swim with dolphins' operators who launch regularly.
Towards Malongane, there is a high cliff overlooking the ocean where one can also learn to paraglide.
Please be warned that roaming data and cell phone calls are extremely expensive. We suggest disabling data roaming on your everyday phone. Bring a spare smart phone with, purchase a local sim card and data.