Backpacker from R 110 (family units from R 550 to R 800)
R 110
Our hostel has a very relaxed atmosphere; you could be in your own lounge at home and feel just as comfortable.
Services offered.Dinners are being provided on request for R95.00 per person, free wireless internet, a collection of books and travelling magazines, daily shuttle to the shops, lots more to make your stay more enjoyable and a huge pool table.
We provide all the facilities required by a backpacker with one difference, we know that when you are done with your tour you want to relax in a nice clean bed, have a long hot shower and just chill, and think about all the experiences you have had.
Buzz bus stop: When you arrive and plan your tour you want the best possible advice on what, where, when, and how. We speak, Norwegian English and German.