Palmieros Bed-en-OntbijtStirling, , Gastenhuis vanaf R 350 | R 350 |
Palmieros is 30-minute flight from Port Elizabeth, 90 minute flight from Johannesburg, 90 minute flight from Cape Town and a 65 minute flight from Durban with shuttles to and from the airport no problem.
Palmieros is perfectly situated within a few minute drive from all East London business's and Amenities and caters for both the businessperson and vacationer. The East London golf course and Daimler Chrysler driving range is on our doorstep with the Westbank and Gonubie golf course within an easy 10-minute drive offers the golfers a wonderful opportunity to enjoy 18 holes everyday while the other half enjoys the shopping Malls, Casino and the unspoilt beaches with friends or the kids.
The beautiful unspoilt Eastern Cape Beaches stretch for miles and offer safe swimming, sensational surfing and fantastic fishing or take a seat around the pool, unwind, relax, allow the tranquil surroundings of Palmieros to envelope you and let our Hospitality spoil you.
To all the staff at Palmieros B and B would like to compliment all the well-trained staff on their high standard of cleanliness and hygiene. Keep up the good work and well done.