
Elandsdrift Accommodation List: a guide to budget, exclusive, luxury and affordable overnight holiday accommodation in the Elandsdrift tourism region with a list of hotels, holiday resorts & spas, safari lodges, game lodges, bush camps, bed-and-breakfast, guest houses, backpackers, apartments and self-catering accommodation in Elandsdrift.

Elandsdrift Accommodation list

Valverde Eco HotelElandsdrift3* Hotel (family units) R 445
Valverde Eco Hotel

Valverde Eco Hotel

from R 445 (family units from R 1,500)

Only a 10 minutes' drive from the Lanseria Airport, the Valverde Eco Hotel is situated on an eco-friendly estate. It features a restaurant with a a-la-carte menu, a spa and a beautiful landscaped garden with waterfalls.

ConcordiaVOCElandsdriftGuest House(POA)


La Moor Country Venue & EateryElandsdriftGuest House(POA)
La Moor Country Venue & Eatery

La Moor Country Venue & Eatery