Linkside (Port Elizabeth)

Linkside Unterkünfte List: a guide to budget, exclusive, luxury and affordable overnight holiday unterkünfte in the Linkside tourism region with a list of hotels, holiday resorts & spas, safari lodges, game lodges, bush camps, bed-and-breakfast, guest houses, backpackers, apartments and self-catering unterkünfte in Linkside.

Linkside Unterkünfte list

Linkside LogeLinksideZimmer-mit-Frühstück (family units) R 280
Linkside Loge

Linkside Loge

ab R 280 (Familieneinheiten ab R 1,150)

Linkside Lodge is situated in a leafy suburb of Port Elizabeth and is ideal for both business and non-business visitors. We are conveniently located just 10 minutes from the airport and a stone's throw away from the Greenacres/Newton Park commercial node.

Chez Paris Port ElizabethLinkside4* Zimmer-mit-FrühstückR 330
Chez Paris Port Elizabeth

Chez Paris Port Elizabeth

ab R 330

Bibury CottageLinksideSelbstversorgung (family units) R 600
Bibury Cottage

Bibury Cottage

(Familieneinheiten ab R 600)