
Nhlangano Accommodation List: a guide to budget, exclusive, luxury and affordable overnight holiday accommodation in the Nhlangano tourism region with a list of hotels, holiday resorts & spas, safari lodges, game lodges, bush camps, bed-and-breakfast, guest houses, backpackers, apartments and self-catering accommodation in Nhlangano.

Nhlangano Accommodation list

Blue Lagoon Leisure ParkNhlanganoLodge (family units) R 399
Blue Lagoon Leisure Park

Blue Lagoon Leisure Park

from R 399 (family units from R 513)

Blue Lagoon Leisure Park is located on the farm Thunzini, in a malaria-free area in the Mahosha River Valley, just south of Nhlangano, Swaziland. The park is the ideal destination for nature lovers and those who enjoy the outdoor life.

Mahamba Gorge LodgeNhlanganoLodge, Self-catering (family units) R 700
Mahamba Gorge Lodge

Mahamba Gorge Lodge

(family units from R 700)

Nhlangano BnBNhlanganoGuest House (family units) R 1,200
Nhlangano BnB

Nhlangano BnB

(family units from R 1,200)

Phumula Farm GuesthouseNhlanganoGuest House (family units) R 1,260
Phumula Farm Guesthouse

Phumula Farm Guesthouse

(family units from R 1,260)