Self Catering in Bendor! For your holiday trip and travel needs we have great deals, budget, cheap, and luxury holiday self catering in the Bendor tourism region and many short-term vacation and holiday venues in the area. You can browse our listings of holiday lodgings and self catering in and near Bendor by clicking on the links below to get a personalized offer from a self catering property owner that may be able to cater for your specific travel arrangements surrounding Bendor. They may have pictures of Bendor and their respective venues and you will also be able to contact the establishment directly to make online bookings and enquiries for a place to stay.
De Plaas Guest HouseGuest House, Self-catering from R 225 (family units from R 1,500) | R 225 |
De Plaas Guest House is an exceptional guest house situated near the Central Business District of Polokwane, which is the capital of the Limpopo Province. The guest house is conveniently located near various shopping centres, hospitals and schools. We offer unique décor, both inside and outside the rooms, reasonable prices and friendly service. We also offer conference facilities for up to 50 delegates and have a fully licensed sunken bar, providing ...
Bendor BayeteSelf-catering from R 300 | R 300 |
Experience a touch of Africa in the heart of Limpopo. Bendor Bayete is situated in the upper suburb of Bendor, Polokwane and offers seven furnished self-catering units for a relaxing getaway. We offer African hospitality coupled with personalized service.All the furnished units are tastefully decorated and are designed for comfort and privacy. Whether you are on your way to the renowned Kruger National Park or Magoebaskloof, or on your way into Africa, ...
Broadlands Equestria Guest FarmSelf-catering from R 350 (family units from R 4,200) | R 350 |
Broadlands Equestria Guest Farm, fondly known as THE STABLES, is located 3 km from Mall of the North, in Polokwane. We offer affordable, rustic and budget but comfortable accommodation. Being a guest farm, our accommodation remains rustic but very unique and comfortable. Plenty of space for the children to run around and play. Each unit is unique. We are known for our very friendly and helpful staff. Our units offer BASIC self-catering facilities should ...
Bendor Guest HouseGuest House, Self-catering from R 467 (family units from R 1,205) | R 467 |
Bendor Guest House in Polokwane, Limpopo, is luxury accommodation in a quiet suburb but within easy reach of the Central Business Districk, decentralised business hubs, main routes and shopping malls. In addition to accommodation and breakfast, we offer conference facilities for smaller groups or for meetings. Our main aim is to provide affordable, high quality accommodation for tourists as well as business visitors to Polokwane.Bendor Guest House ...