Self Catering in the Brandberg Nature Reserve! For your holiday trip and travel needs we have great deals, budget, cheap, and luxury holiday self catering in the Brandberg Nature Reserve tourism region and many short-term vacation and holiday venues in the area. You can browse our listings of holiday lodgings and self catering in and near Brandberg Nature Reserve by clicking on the links below to get a personalized offer from a self catering property owner that may be able to cater for your specific travel arrangements surrounding Brandberg Nature Reserve. They may have pictures of Brandberg Nature Reserve and their respective venues and you will also be able to contact the establishment directly to make online bookings and enquiries for a place to stay.
The Brandberg Rest CampSelf-catering from R 150 | R 150 |
The Brandberg Rest Camp is located in the village of Uis in the heart of Damaraland, an unspoiled rural area in Namibia, between Swakopmund and the Etosha Game Reserve. The Brandberg is the highest mountain in Namibia and is famous for the White Lady and other Bushman paintings as well as its diverse geology. The mountain is very popular for hikers, and hiking and other guides can be arranged on request. Guided tours in Toyota Landcruisers in and around ...