Printable lunar eclipse calendar

LUNAR ECLIPSES: Find out when the next lunar eclipse is in South Africa. Dates for lunar eclipses are courtesy of NASA.


Lunar Eclipse Dates Type Start Peak End Duration Visible NASA
Fri, 14 Mar 2025 Total 08:26 08:59 09:31 01h05   .pdf
Sun, 07 Sep 2025 Total 19:31 20:12 20:53 01h22 Yes .pdf
Tue, 03 Mar 2026 Total 12:04 13:34 14:03 00h58   .pdf
Fri, 28 Aug 2026 Partial 04:34 06:13 07:52 03h18   .pdf
Thu, 06 Jul 2028 Partial 19:09 20:20 21:30 02h21 Yes .pdf
Sun, 31 Dec 2028 Total 18:16 18:32 19:28 01h11   .pdf
Sat, 16 Jun 2029 Total 04:31 05:22 06:13 01h42   .pdf
Thu, 20 Dec 2029 Total 00:15 00:42 01:09 00h54 Yes .pdf
Sat, 15 Jun 2030 Partial 19:21 20:33 21:45 02h24 Yes .pdf
Source: NASA


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